While governments around the world encourage their own citizens to crush their own cars in the name of "stimulating the economy" (apparently making people buy new cars right fucking now instead of later, or next year, or whenever, is sound economics), a small minority of apparently insane people are actually fixing the cars they already own, and not lining up to purchase the latest motorized toasters offered by whatever is left of the sick and dying "new car" infrastructure.
Meanwhile, the most powerful people in the world have just turned on the printing presses, given their ultimate rip-off a cute name (Q.E! Why even care what it means?) and started filling their speedboats with enough booze and hookers to last them a while in exile, while the rest of the world watches like the sheep they know we are.
Another lucky Ford owner unloading cash for precious metal |
"Spend it now, before we are lighting our smokes with worthless paper money." warned the President, lighting another spliff with a crisp twenty, "These Fords cost $375.00 new. Now they cost $100000.00 to build. Let CWMC help you get rid of your money. It's either me or them..."
Updates to be posted as they are declassified. Read & burn, etc.
Updates to be posted as they are declassified. Read & burn, etc.